
6 Tips on How to Boost Your Vitamin D levels

Staying healthy doesn’t happen by chance. Rather, it is a choice and has to be worked on. It requires attention to lifestyle including physical activities and food choices.

Brisk walking is a simple physical activity that can help you stay healthy. It helps improve sleeping.

 A proper diet balanced with physical activities leads to better physical and mental health. This lifestyle results in having a healthy body weight and energy for endurance. This will help you enjoy your life.

Importance of healthy food intake

Healthy food intake is eating the right amount of variety of foods to provide what the body needs. There is no single food that can make you healthy. All foods can be included in a healthy diet. but some people follow a special or medical diet. The important note is that you take a varied and balanced diet.

When you eat well, you’ll be able to sleep well. You will have more energy and better concentration. Also, getting enough vitamins through a proper diet is the best way to boost your immunity against diseases and disorders.

When you practice a healthy diet, it just does not boost your physical health. Food choices also affect mental health. If your diet is rich in minerals and vitamins, the risk of having mental health disorders such as depression and anxiety is lower.

For children and young adults, eating can come in a range of interesting and tasty food that can make up a healthy diet. A healthy diet focuses on eating vegetables, whole grains, nuts, fruits, and fish.

Generally, healthy eating is fundamental to good health and well-being. But there are vitamins that you cannot get from food alone. One of them is vitamin D.

What is Vitamin D

Vitamins are organic substances that the body needs for essential nutrients. These mainly come from the food and liquid we intake. Supplements are also available. Different vitamins have different roles in the body. And there are different amounts of each vitamin that is required to make us healthy.

Vitamin D is unique because this nutrient is created by the body. As a response to direct sunlight exposure, the body produces vitamin D. That is why it is also named the sunshine vitamin.

Benefits of vitamin D

Vitamin D is needed to keep your body healthy. This vitamin involves various functions.

Vitamin D primarily builds and maintains strong bones. Vitamin D helps the body to absorb phosphorus and calcium. It promotes the mineralization and growth of your bones. It also works with the parathyroid glands. These glands keep the balance of the calcium in your body. 

Tips on how to boost your Vitamin D levels

Vitamin D is not naturally present in many foods but you can get it in various ways. Here’s how:

  • Spend time in sunlight. As stated earlier, vitamin D is referred to as the sunshine vitamin. The sun is the best source of vitamin D.
  • It is best to note to avoid overexposure to the sun to protect yourself from sunburn and worst skin cancer. Getting sunlight for about 15-20 minutes three days per week is usually enough.
  • Eat more fish and seafood. They are the richest natural food sources of vitamin D. Tuna, mackerel, oyster, shrimp, sardines and anchovies are also rich in omega fatty acids.
  • Eat mushrooms. They are the only complete plant-based source of Vitamin D. Mushrooms are like humans that can make their vitamin D when exposed to sunlight.
  • Include egg yolks in your diet. Egg yolks can be easily integrated into your diet as they are also a good source of Vitamin D.
  • Consume fortified foods such as dairy and grains. Vitamin D is often added to milk, breakfast cereals, yogurt, margarine and even orange juice. You can check the labels on the amount of vitamin D contained in the items. 
  • Take Vitamin D supplement.  You can ask the pharmacists for the best vitamin D supplements.
  • Try a UV lamp. Though these lamps can be costly they may also boost vitamin D levels in your body. Limit yourself to no more than 15 minutes of exposure to avoid burning your skin.

The amount of vitamin D needed per day varies by age and skin colour. Younger people and individuals with fair skin convert sunlight into vitamin D far better than those darker-toned and over 50 years old. That means the darker your skin, the more exposure to the sun is needed to get enough vitamin D.

Not getting enough sunshine vitamin can lead to deficiency. Painful bones, weak muscles and depression are the earliest symptoms of vitamin D deficiency. If you suspect you’re low in this essential nutrient, you can consult an online doctor Vancouver for an initial check-up.

 Protect your health. Nowadays, it is one of the most important things you can keep. Ask your for help.