
7 Foods to Boost Your Vitamin C Levels

The foundation of attaining good health is the combination of having a nutritious and well-balanced diet, continuous physical activity, and refraining from bad vices that can affect your health like, smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages, or taking illegal substances.

Eating healthy includes taking in high-quality proteins, fats that are good for the heart, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and water in the food consumed. It also includes efforts to minimize saturated fats, processed foods, and alcohol. If you eat this way, you can prevent accumulating sicknesses. It will also promote optimal body weight and maintain your body’s everyday functions.

The nutrients in the food you eat support your daily activities, protect your cells and repair cellular damage that may occur. Carbohydrates and fats fuel your body, protein rebuild injured tissues and promotes the immune system’s health, while vitamins and minerals function throughout the body to support the body’s processes.

Vitamin c is one of the most effective nutrients that are common in the food we eat. Some of the benefits of the vitamin include protection against eye disease, cardiovascular disease, immune system deficiencies, prenatal health problems, and anti-skin wrinkling. The tolerable intake level is 2000 mg of vitamin c a day for adults. Having higher levels of vitamin c in your blood is also the ideal nutrition marker for overall health.

Foods to Boost Your Vitamin C Level in the Body

Since vitamin c plays a large role in maintaining our overall health, one has to make sure to have a sufficient vitamin c intake daily. It also helps in protecting against cold and flu, maintaining the health of your teeth, the elasticity of blood vessels and bones, the health of your skin, and the ability of the body to produce calcium. It also helps in the healing of injuries, recovery from illnesses through its function as an antioxidant, as well as supports brain functions.

Here are some examples of the daily essential foods that are rich in vitamin c and can provide you with major health benefits:

  1. Herbs

Herbs like basil, parsley, and thyme are high in vitamin c. You can use these as a garnish to sprinkle in your food. These herbs also generate a beautiful aroma to the food as well as elevate the taste of your dish.

2. Guava

Guava is a tasty fruit that contains over 250 mg of vitamin c. These fruits will readily fulfill your daily vitamin c needs. Aside from vitamin c, it also contains other essential vitamins and nutrients that our bodies need such as potassium, manganese, folic acid, and fibre, which makes it a super fruit with multiple benefits.

3. Citrus fruits

Fruits like lemon, lime, grapefruit, and oranges are powerful sources of vitamin C. An average glass of vitamin juice fruit contains almost 100 mg of Vitamin C. Not only are they readily available, but they also taste very good. These are the fruits you can grab any time of the day and eat or drink.

4. Dark greens

Green and leafy vegetable like spinach is a healthy source of vitamin c as well as other vitamins and nutrients. 

5. Strawberries

Strawberry is one of the most favourite fruit of most people which also provides the highest vitamin c. it has fibres and antioxidant properties that help in maintaining the health functions of the heart. Strawberries also protect against bad cholesterol.

6. Acerola cherries

Acerola cherries are tiny fruits that contain 65 times more vitamin c compared to an orange. You can get them in powder form for the whole year or avail them fresh when they are in season.

7. Kiwi

Kiwi is also full of vitamin c, even more than that of an orange. According to studies, children taking in such fruits as kiwi and other citrus fruits daily have a better respiratory tract than those who do not.

People who don’t meet their body’s daily vitamin c needs tend to acquire vitamin C deficiency. When the body’s vitamin c level is low, it can cause them to get sick easily from common colds and flu as well as weakened bones, swelling, chronic pain due to poor immune functions.We need vitamin c for our bodies. It is a nutrient that can help us combat sicknesses and maintain healthy body functions. You can also ask your doctor for other foods that are rich in vitamin C that you can eat daily and boost your vitamin C levels. If you are showing signs and symptoms of vitamin c deficiency like swelling and bleeding of the gums, experiencing fatigue, having rough and dry skin, easy bruising, and red patches on the skin, consult a doctor immediately for a proper examination, diagnosis, and accurate medication. You can go to the nearest hospital or a walk in clinic near you for an examination, or you can also find an online consultation. Online doctor Toronto is available to give you an easy and more convenient consultation.